IMG 7968

BMW M5 (Stage 2 Paint Rejuvenation & Opti-coat)

This 2006, 5.0-litre V10 booked in for a Stage 2 Paint Rejuvenation for a post sale detail. The process removed the swirl marks caused from washing & returned the finish to a deep metallic black. The M5 was then protected from the elements with Opticoat Permanent paint protection.

Detailing Adelaide


Detailing Adelaide

ˆClay bar

Detailing Adelaide

ˆCondition before

Detailing Adelaide

ˆCondition before

Detailing Adelaide

ˆCondition before

Detailing Adelaide

ˆCondition before

Detailing Adelaide

ˆCondition under the lights

Detailing Adelaide

ˆ50/50 before and after

Detailing Adelaide

ˆ50/50 before and after

Detailing Adelaide

ˆ50/50 before and after

Detailing Adelaide

ˆ50/50 before and after

Detailing Adelaide

ˆ50/50 before and after

Detailing Adelaide


Detailing Adelaide


Detailing Adelaide


Detailing Adelaide


Detailing Adelaide


Detailing Adelaide

ˆTreating windows with Nanotechnology glass sealant

Final shots with Opticoat paint protection:

Detailing Adelaide

Detailing Adelaide

Detailing Adelaide

Detailing Adelaide

Detailing Adelaide

Detailing Adelaide

Detailing Adelaide


Thanks for following, the Stage 2 & Opticoat on this M5 took 11 to complete (One day booking)

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